Reflective verses

Reflective verses is a powerful way to describe physical and mental subjects in rhymed words.

Dreams and reality (14-06-2023)

It is very interesting that a person is a social being, which is molded from conventions. His thoughts and dreams are limited by the borders of decency and discretion. The feeling of reality, and sense of duty to society, do constrain his movements. But sometimes, we want to set ourselves free from conventions, and be just the ones who can make forgivable mistakes of frivolity. We want to set ourselves free, from the fetters and fly away, far in our thoughts and attempts. (pause with commas)

I don’t like it, being
A social creature
An interest of fleeing
And able fly feature

Are most desired
At least to me only
The thoughts mine, conspired
Coarse modest and homely

I don’t like it, limit
The borders’ discretion
A rudeness implicit
Or hidden compression

Which reigning around
Suppressing me strongly
By strains, inner bound
And homefullness lonely

I want to be wild-free
From fetters self-forged
To full and high degree
Frivolity gorged …

Forgivable not
Mistakes mine are welcome
Light-mindedness hot
I’ve longed for, to have some

The flower of hope (03-04-2023)

It is very interesting, that a person, always lives in hope. In the most difficult times, his hope sprouts like a flower between the forbidding boards. I really want to believe, that the world will change and wars will stop. (pause with commas)

My life is a war
A hopelessly quiet
A closed up door
Insensibly private

It is, endless scope
Forbidden and restless
The sweet, soothing dope
My thoughts, fallen zestless

I try go on
Break boards, building out
The senses, dead born
Of black ruthless drought

That’s spreading around
As avalanche folly
Inherent unsound
Allegedly holy …

My life is a war
Inside, more than out
Of feelings burnt sore
And hatred devout

The flower of hope
I live on, perceive
The sweet, soothing dope
I’ve come to receive

Born of a sadness (24-01-2022)

There are some ones that seem to be born of a sadness, no matter how hard you try to change them. I am partially the kind. I know what it is, to live out of space and time, where strangeness has permanently established her existence. (pause with commas)

I’m born of a sadness
In outer space
I lack, all the gladness
And even a trace

Of which, never found
Inside the abyss
I’ve fully been drowned
With welcoming hiss

I feel it discharged
The air of sorrow
The butterfly’s barged
Half-heartedly borrowed

And rose to company
The sheepish my look
On moodish, the hook

I’m here to say
I’m sorry-existence
Somehow display
A weakly consistence

To try, to have changed
And last for a while
In normal arranged
The effortless style

A victory double (30-09-2020)

Dedicated to the political opposition leaders. (pause with commas)

My life is a trap
Whatever direction
I’m wading the map
With heart insurrection

I want it, be changed
Reality stagnant
Make it, rearranged
Discarding waste remnant

I’m losing and lost
Inside reveries
Account not cost
For those devotees

That follow ardent
A leader, one legged
Who’s now retardant
Disabled a peg

My will’s not enough
Reality changed
It is, pompous bluff
That makes me estranged

Eleven much is
A victory double
We are, losing fears
Of fatalist trouble

1984 (25-09-2020)

Nationalism and communism are cancer of the society. They turn people into ruthless gears, first on the inside, then outside. (pause with commas)

It is a cool thing
Be part of a team
A slogan to sing
Do march in the stream

It’s true inspiration
A friend by your side
A biz conversation
The mutual pride

But once in a while
I feel something wrong
It’s clacking hostile
And gnashing prolonged

Inside of my mind
And then in the heart
A cogwheel’s assigned
To crack me apart

I turn and I tear
The suit bloody gray
I’m choking to bear
And gasp on decay

My life’s turned into
Moustached cogging wheel
That’s cutting me through
With weirdness real

My bestial flair (03-07-2020)

(pause with commas)

I don’t know where
I’ve come so far
I’m gasping and stare
Indifferent ajar

With eyes, on the road
Glued hard, all the way
I’ve left my abode
And set off astray

I’ve lost all I had
Down there, a time
The home and the plaid
The sweet sonant chime

My inner despair
Turned harshly bizarre
My bestial flair
Has driven me far …

A home, not mine
Ahead to the right
Some circle malign
Has gathered tonight

Afloat emotions (07-02-2019)

(pause with commas)

She went it disgraceful
Malignant the fire
Afloat to nothing
Was love or desire

A tragedy softer
Emergency senses
Afloat emotions
Of struggling dances

The note (03-06-2020)

Many of us are lonely. It is very difficult to find your soul mate, if you are looking among the wrong me. Be careful, I shall make you different. (pause with commas)

Your love is a note
Inside of a bottle
You’re dreaming to dote
And endlessly coddle

A worthy someone
Not me, to possess
The one to become
Your love in excess

You dream and depict
The tender his touch
He is, my convict
I am, constant clutch

His love is a note
Inside of a bottle
His heart, is a boat
Of mindless twaddle

That’s sailing away
From here to there
A cold fish of prey
His heart’s of no care

Your love is a note
Inside of a bottle
Now’s always afloat
In careless twaddle

The world (26-05-2020)

(pause with commas)

The world, little world
You’re heavy to hold
Have pity on me, for a while

My body is curled
My mind is whirled
I pray to be staying agile

They say, you’re the gold
You’re brilliant, but cold
And shining away, radiant through

The world, little world
You’re mighty uphold
The golden, my dreams, to pursue

The tender hoax (04-05-2020)

Some people take risks for love, usually women. It is very miserable and sad, because love is a tender hoax. But … This is life, it is unpredictable, and it hosts no mistakes of others, but your own, bitter and sweet. So, go on, reach out your hand. There will be the light at the end of the tunnel – the only true value – HONESTY. You will surely touch upon it some rainy day.

Make sure, to never let it go, not as I always do. (pause with commas)

I wait for the day
My rainy and gloomy
With chills, in the gray
That constantly sue me

With tireless waving
Towards an astray
I’m desperately craving
Your honest display

My fearless gladness
A poisonous snake
My elegant blackness
Your blunder mistake

Is always a puzzle
To bitter my heart
Why treacherous hustle
Is prudently smart

At risking it all
The white, into black
Dismaying the stall
Of orderly stack

Of wishes, your pleasant
I seem disapprove
With mind, effervescent
To blacken the move

Desert’s my life (17-04-2020)

The times now are associated with mask and desert. I cannot get rid of them in my mind. It seems that every my step is the mask of anxiety. (pause with commas)

Life is a desert
Burning and thirsty
With useless efforts
Tiresome bursty

Masquerade stepping
Tedious strife
Ominous trekking
Desert’s my life

Steps that I take
Anxious the masking
My thoughts, are fake
My mind’s, gasping

Wishes extreme
Reach the horizon
Desperate with dream
World, to enlighten

Close my eyes
Shut up the ears
Truthful allies
My rare tears

I will expose
Burning and bursty
Tiresome close
Masquerade thirsty

The mask (14-04-2020)

I have a very disturbed state of mind. I am frightened and anxious. Death has become something ordinary, just a roundup. I can only think about the mask in the literal and figurative sense. We live while there is no mask, as soon as the mask appears, life ends and existence begins. (pause with commas)

Genuine not
I was some ever
Lived like a god
Vainfully clever

Self praising blind
Strolled on around
Selfish inclined
Fell on the ground

Time, gorgeous tole
What’s wrong with me
Mine, perished soul
Fullscale degree

Rotted and vanished
Under the mask
Foolishly brandish
Self praising task

Led me away
Into nowhere
With present gray
Future despair

An old intriguer (19-09-2019)

Eastern wisdom states. “The three things never come back – time, word, opportunity. Therefore: do not waste time, choose words and don’t miss the opportunity.” (pause with commas)

I am losing time
My words, scattered over
My thoughts are sublime
But deeds, of a drover

Obedient would seem
Appeared, the threesome
Hush, living a dream
The beautiful season

I close my eyes
Reach out, the hand
But stuck by the ties
Go back to repent

Why am I, so earthly
To live in the skies
Damn history’s dirty
Grand past is a lie

I try to entrap
The fortunes, that tease me
Take out a snap
To bitter displease me

My time’s running short
My words hurt me eager
Three beauties’ escort
An old intriguer

The hatred of love (18-09-2019)

I believe that something, I love and hate is behind this door. Why there, because it is locked. It could be somewhere else. Not necessarily closed away. I will run and lock it, before it locks me forever. (pause with commas)

I stare at the door
Afraid of, the hidden
I’ve lost it before
Excited and ridden

Onto the emotions
That seemed, true and clean
I’ve plunged with devotion
Into the serene

A hatred and love
Were waiting me there
Distaste thereof
Becoming aware

That love is a poison
For beautiful hearted
And hatred is lovesome
For mercy departed

Rushed up, took the key
Have thrown, in the bay
I want to be free
And keep them away

There are many doors
Shut up, in my face
The hatred of love
Revenging its grace

The gorgeous risk (16-09-2019)

Life is a general risk, emotional, caused by illnesses or mechanical death. The most risky situation is falling in love. Imagine the bullet through your brain if the love is not mutual. (pause with commas)

A bullet or stone
The merciful gear
I’ve got to be prone
But still have no fear

I know, I might
Forget it and live
But poorest fright
Is striking to give

A way, risk intended
To hold up my breath
Am I, to be ended
Mechanical death

Life’s gorgeous a risk
That’s dwelling inside
My heart, burning brisk
Your mind, freezing blind

I try to have cleared
Emotional thread
An illness not feared
Imparting it sad

It’s falling in love
I am, much in terror
The risk’s leaden shove
An eminent error

I cannot survive
It’s better a bullet
Why am I, to thrive
I can, not to fool it.

Feverish lover (08-08-2019)

There is, the only true performance. A sad one, that cuts your heart bleed.(pause with commas)

Performance is over
Forgotten and fallen
By feverish lover
My heart’s being stolen

The smile I have seen
But back, turned to me
She’s all I have been
And more, than will be

Mystery the stonish (02-05-2019)

Nature is an endless mystery, the deeper we look into it, the more astonished we are. (pause with commas)

Prehistoric flourish
From the past sublime
Been so freely nourished
Bloomed away, some time

Mystery the stonish
Like some thoughts of mine
Under-water garnished
Turned into the sign

That is shiny splendid
Like upon the time
True has got extended
Into magic mime …

Write upon the stone
Thoughts of mine, are true
Hope, they will be known
When I’m also through

Shaking icy (25-02-2019)

Sometimes, I feel myself a piece of ice, crawling down a frozen shore and looking up at the frozen sunset. (pause with commas)

On the shore, of land forgotten
Have to play, forgotten role
From nowhere, into nothing
Crawling on, without a goal

I am stumbling and gasping
Stepping over, lost and wrong
Are their souls of sparky lusting
Or as mine, a little prawn

I have lived a life of lazy
Someone never rushing to
Help somebody lost in hazy
And a miserable screw …

Yes, I’m sentenced, to the cold
Same as cold, as I have been
There could be, piece of gold
Here will be piece of thin

Little sharply, shaking icy
Always hard and cold for all
Never tried to live it dicey
Simply crawling off at all

In the time of my youth (24-02-2019 )

We are born clean and trustful, and then become moody and aggressive.(pause with commas)

Come here, little marvel
Come close, to me dear
You’re open and trustful
And know no fear

As I was up there
Respectful and trusty
In days of my youth
Was childishly gusty

I lived for a moment
To see in the eyes
A sparkle of gamely
And youthful surprise

Those days are no more
Enlighten my present
I live in the core
Of shapeless, unpleasant

A town of busy
Aggressive and moody
In time of my youth
Of flourishing beauty

If the white is not affection (23-02-2019)

There are ominous signs, hidden in the unexplainable differences of common things. (pause with commas)

I, do not, believe in witchcraft
Like discernment and insight
I’m avoiding contradictions
And believe in godly light

Would not say, that I am scary
Inner shaking through the night
I’m afraid, of darkly fairy
Playing tough with black and white

The impossible and gloomy
Things do happen on the way
When the white is over bloomy
And the black’s pretending gray

I am shaking at reflection
Being lost on endless day
If the white is not affection
And the black is not astray

Been craving for love (22-02-2019)

Some women are Paulo’s 11 minutes minded. They are so much beautiful, and even more dangerous, for the man’s heart. (pause with commas)

I look in the mirror
So gracious and calmly
Mysterious darkness
Surrounds me timely

Been craving for love
Impossible minutes
But something inside
Was setting the limits

I look in the mirror
And treacherous doubly
Mysterious darkness
Is killing me calmly

My beauty is poison
My love is eleven
Impossible minutes
Of Paulo’s heaven

Enlive me somehow
To think of the last
When I was a muse
For boys in my past

Guten tag (21-02-2019)

To my dear doctor Martin and Helios Klinikum dedicated. (pause with commas)

Gourmania, evening
Mercedes is starting
Hello, come over
I’ll take you to Martin

The op has been scheduled
I’m nervous and jumpy
The time’s drawing near
My heart’s going pumpy

A beautiful lady
Said “ACHTUNG” and stuck
A needle into me …
Woke up

Guten tag

Carina is looking at me
With a smile
We’re waiting for Martin
He’ll come in a while

And now I see Him
My genius doctor
He’s shaking my hand
And smiling like actor

He’s perfect the star
Of the Helios truly
All women around
In love with him fully

Talk something better (20-02-2019)

If a woman looks at you, vertically, she is definitely interested. (pause with commas)

I’m looking at you
In every direction
Up front and to side
You’ve lovely complexion

I cannot get in
Why am I attracted
You handsome enough
I’m over impacted

Oh, no, I’m here
To talk business matter
(But maybe at night
We’ll talk something better)

My head goes dizzy
I’m shaking inside
What business at all
I’ve fallen upright

The power liquid (19-02-2019)

Why is it “wolf” from Wall street? It’s time to change the main player. (pause with commas)

I am an investor
My name is Nasdaq
Profound am I
And trusty as luck

The power liquid
Abundant with me
Come over my dear
I am your trustee

It’s time for a change
It’s time for the rule
A liquid adventure
The powerful tool

They say, step aside
You are, softly bubble
You will get us all
In equity trouble

I won’t let you down
The wolves, go fleeing
When I am around
To pump your well-being

The arris of courage (18-02-2019)

They have amazing courage, to stand against cobra, with little chances to survive. (pause with commas)

I am coldly blooded
Impossible creature
The arris of courage
The only my teacher

Believe no chances
It is, too much risky
To fall off control
Depending on frisky

Ability moving
Or striking aback
There is no way
Misleading the track

The only thing matters
Advance of prediction
To strike at the core
With deadly infliction

I have all the power
In little my heart
I’m ready to strike
And break them apart

Was I a dreamer (17-02-2019)

We cannot escape the end, it is an unexpected sunset. (Sorry, it’s a cloudy day of mine, just weeping around, pause with commas)

Little by little, I am passing over
Little by little, I’m losing my strength
My zeppelin, hardly can hover
Feeling alone, at the miserly end

Darkness is close, would I embrace it
Yes, I am grateful, warmly it seems
I am not scared, ready to face it
It is the part, of the radiant beams

Little by little, pain’s getting stronger
Shivering coldness, the snowy stones
Peaking around, stinging me longer
Shaking me hard, right to the bones

I am approaching, call it, eternal
Simply to say, a blackly abyss
Look up above, clouds fraternal
Down from me, cloudy mist

Close my eyes, was I a dreamer
Never disposed, to stony blues
Oxygen breath, nasty redeemer
Ready am I, to eternity cruise

I am waiting for you (16-02-2019)

We cannot trust someone, unnaturally smiling. (pause with commas)

Come over, my precious
Afraid, no need to
I’m very good natured
Confirm, it is true

Come close, my lovely
Would never mistreat you
Just look in my eye
Discreetly, I’m true

May look some unfriendly
It’s only misfortune
Was stricken by lightning
While whistling a tune

I’m proudly smiling
Come over, my darling
Come close, my precious
I am waiting for you

Compromised a magician (15-02-2019)

Beauty is a relative matter, to some extent. If you see, what is behind. It is compromised. (pause with commas)

How come, compromise
Has not risen expected
Being caught, by surprise
In the sideways reflected

So beauty, I know
Is a relative matter
First impression’s, the flow
Stronger than any latter

In my mind, there were
So many collisions
Many images prime
And untimely decisions

I’ve been carrying out
After false recognition
What is beauty, no doubt
Compromised, a magician

I love you (14-02-2019)

To Valentine’s day dedicated. (pause with commas)

I love you, my darling
And care so much
I love you within
And out, you catch

My hovering blues
Or piece of a sadness
Anxiety share
Or sorrow flatness

I love you, my darling
With all of my heart
I love you within
And out, the art

Of tender your passion
You share with me
I love you forever
And always will be

Look inside (13-02-2019)

Everyone has a secret place to hide, even inside his mind. (pause with commas)

Working hard, do get exhausted
Falling on, my bed all times
Legal cases, docs unposted
Scattered round, broken rhymes

Being tough, and strong, somehow
Do survive the crazy world
From within dishevelled vow
Runs away towards its fold

Am I dreaming of a dwelling
Hidden far, in forest wild
All I want, escape the telling
And dissolve in snow mild

Look inside, what’s on my mind
Run away and get dismissed
Painful thought, has lost its grind
No strength I’ve to persist

Stop. What’s more? Forget it. Being
Lost, dishevelled, gotten past
Whole of mine is set to fleeing
Far away to forest cast

Éireann (12-02-2019)

To the country, I miss very much, dedicated. (pause with commas)

I have travelled around
With shamrock in my pocket
If I’m feeling much down
It is driving my rocket

On my palm, place it gently
Magic green, little leaflet
Precious more, than a jewel
Inner glamorous secret

I was born in the country
Ever green and surprising
Crystal clean in the air
Were my hopes arising

White and blue, lovely green
Those are, all my colours
Through the times of untrue
Were supporting my valours

Little house at sea
Always in, on my mind
Sweet my home, come to me
Better than, never find

My eyes always closed (11-02-2019)

Why is it so? Reality is always a stony tale. (pause with commas)

My dreaming is childish
With eyes firmly closed
To fairy beauty
I’m always disposed

My dreaming is golden
My soul, isn’t stony
I’m childish a dreamer
With heart of a pony

They say it, all simple
The fables are falsely
Up mounted high
Or weighed down coarsely

I’m dreaming around
My eyes always closed
To stony falsehood
I’m not predisposed

My Feverish Mark (10-02-2019)

It is hard to change, from darkness into light. Sometimes, it is a fight, going on inside. (pause with commas)

Was gloomy my being
Throughout the night
Were thoughts on the run
To put up a fight

Against a tomorrow
Afraid, am I of
It’s painful to change
Or look up above

The forest my dwelling
I love you so much
You split me in two
You cut me with touch

Why am I to choose
Your darkfull despair
Or feverish light
Of endless unfair

Me, nothing foreseeing
Been long in the dark
Come over, Your Might
My Feverish Mark

The contradiction (09-02-2019)

This is the contradiction of the human nature. I’ve just spotted out in the picture. The verse is tough, pause with commas.

Tonight, will I target
Or targeted creature
Somehow, become of
Uncertain the feature

Why should I, complain
Did much of the killing
If getting dismissed
Revealing the feeling

That’s burdening whole
The nature of preying
I see it from right
So hopelessly laying

Oh no, what nonsense
Am I, not of power
Come back into senses
Go out to devour

What’s there, from right
Lurking in, with persistence
I probably might
Given up, the resistance

Entrapped and distracted (08-02-2019)

I am sorry to verse it sad. That’s the picture I’ve chosen. Why did I? I don’t know. “A total eclipse of the heart …” (pause with commas)

Horizon’s on fire
So tired and bleeding
The shivering mire
My memories feeding

Entrapped and distracted
Like beams in the pool
My life’s of a fish
My mind’s of a fool

The ocean is gone
And nothing supported
My strength was the bridge
Untimely distorted

Entrapped and distracted
I stare off, firmly
Upon the horizon
That’s bleeding me warmly