My arrogance ghostly

My arrogance ghostly (07-05-2020)

There are situations, in a dream or in reality, when we meet a person from our past or future who reminds or warns us of something strange or unpleasant. (pause with commas and check also out my music and book)

I am, doomed and fated
Some images real
With past life related
Appear genteel

And life’s messing gloom
Is loosed on, forever
The path’s Lady Doom
A blackish endeavor

Calls back to the past
And shakes me inside
With still bleeding fast
My hard injured pride

I seem, to have changed
Surreal and ghostly
My arrogance, flamed
Is no more vastly

Does splash outside
But quietly burning
While feverish pride
Uninjured returning

I stare at the image
Harsh real and ghostly
My memories’ pillage
Neat glimmering, costly

My moods