Obeying the lies

Obeying the lies (19-11-2020)

I strive for the sky and the sun, as best as I can. I use a tailwind, but to no avail. To take off, I need to be a pure soul … Obedience to the lies cannot be hidden by the red coat, it will still appear sooner or later. (pause with commas and check also out my music and book)

I’ve thought of a way
To leave all behind
The worries, I have to survey

I’ve thought of a day
To free my crisp mind
Of lies, that I have to obey

They’re planted so deep
Right into the concience
I’ve always, been eager protect

And pure it keep
With rules correspondance
Which built, on the ground respect

Untrue blackly dotted
Pretencious my fudges
Still hidden, behind my red coat

They’re easily spotted
Like bitter my grudges
Corroding outside, with black quotes

I scribe on the stairs
Which seemed point upwards
With hope, to reach all the skies

But relative airs
Do bring me on downwards
As punished, obeying the lies

Soul suffering