Material love

Material love (20-10-2020)

Sublime souls cannot admit material love. It is a funny picture, but it makes me sad. I think that love cannot be bought or sold. It is very childish, and, are we not grown children? (pause with commas and check also out my music and book)

I am oddly mannered
With feelings so open
I share unanswered
The heart off, unspoken

My dreams, fall in love
Do bleed all the time
I proper behove
Sensation sublime

The love mine, suppressed
In thoughts desperation
With deadly unrest
Of cold isolation

That’s cooling me up
Inside of the heart
I’m pierced abrupt’
And torn up, apart

I’m amative restless
Was always and now
As narrative endless
My feelings somehow

Expressed with regret
That I’m so weak
To face the roulette
Of real life streak

Material love
Is now the fashion
I will do behove
And cry for compassion

Soul suffering