Perfect life

Perfect life (03-08-2021)

It is a very hard job to hide your sinful nature. Sometimes it takes a whole life to understand that everybody around sees all your sinful deeds and even intentions. That’s the way the world has been created. But the first step to becoming a better one is admitting and proclaiming your imperfections. (pause with commas and check also out my music and book)

I live it a hell
From early my days
I hide, in the shell
Of sinful my ways

The wishes my endless
Mandated around
A sand field stupendous
And permanent ground

For doubts my painful
That I have to keep
And thoughts down-shameful
I am forced to heap

For future referral
What wrong was with me
And further transferral
To state guilty plea

I live it a hell
The last of my days
I’m chanting a spell
And try sing the praise

To God and the Spirits
That reign on above
Within no limits
Of fatherly love

I cry touch upon
The good and the true
I try make it gone
My inner taboo

Of hiding ashamed
My harsh imperfections
To finally proclaim
My soul resurrection

Soul suffering