Tense relations

Sometimes we get involved into a tense relation that we are not happy with. Such a screw is unescapable. But it makes us robust and hardy.

Never been free (12-08-2022)

This verse is dedicated to C.C.

Life is an interesting thing. It is always doubting and worrying, searching and finding. Patiently waiting for the moment and regretting that it did not come sooner. Who is she, the mysterious stranger, the Universe or a simple woman. (pause with commas)

A doubt I’m facing
The inner and deep
Deceitfully pacing
And worrying steep

Inside of my mind
Paved up, searching lane
To never do find
A land free of pain

I stare away
And say words of prayer
Regretful essay
My life’s a compare

To waste desolate cave
I’ve dug, with my hands
Intending to save
The smallest spark chance

A love I’ve been dreaming
To fill me with sense
To make me joy screaming
A perfect romance …

She’s standing by side
And looking through me
As if I have died
And never’s been free

Neutrality blameless (05-08-2022)

This verse is dedicated to N.M.C.

Some girls are a disaster. They only think of ideals. And especially they have a point on respect. All the difficulties in the relationship between a man and a woman arise, as I think, from the desire to impose one’s perception of the world. The most difficult thing is to remain neutral, not biased, not to offend or exalt your interlocutor. (pause with commas)

Ideals are good
The shiny and golden
Assured, withstood
Of now and olden

The rules, carved away
Into, mine the heart
Submissive as prey
And falling apart

For every your glance
And curvy waist lines
Awaiting the chance
To show off signs

Of living ordeal
A barren project
That is, pointless zeal
Your nature reflect

Desires imposed
Perceptions been choked
And aiming unclosed
Controlling provoked …

Neutrality blameless
I love YOU so much
Not biased or faceless
As once, your first touch

I plead oddly much (02-02-2022)

There are times when I feel that being right or wrong doesn’t matter at all. When the situation gets out of my control, all that remains, is to pray and hope. (pause with commas)

I pray, having been
A little distracted
To come out, clean
Of blunders enacted

By chances uncertain
I’ve oddly embraced
Expecting my burdens
Somehow unlaced

I plead oddly much
Not ever fall guilty
Avoid madly clutch
And aftermath silty

Your foolish intentions
Have brought in, someway
Collapsed my affections
Not fit to relay

The message, I’m haunted
Like slipping reward
Your presence much wanted
Of pleasing accord

I’m longing to sense
Before you are gone
And slightly dispensed
My right into wrong

The slavery, lovely (31-01-2022)

Sometimes a family is much worse than a prison. This is the worst thing that can happen to a child. And a fleeting moment of freedom is the moment of happiness that a child can have. (pause with commas)

I want to get lost
And never be found
Whatever the cost
Of getting unbound

From dearly noose
I’ve been born into
With no way, to choose
Or rushing on through

Unfortunate my fate
A mock in the face
I won’t give in, late
A childhood’s embrace

The slavery, lovely
I’m fed up with, much
So seemingly bubbly
The sweetest, my crutch

Is always around
To show its worth
And have me aground
In slavish rebirth

The child, I will never
Be found at all
And gladly shall sever
Them, dummy install

The diffident love (25-01-2022)

Some men are soft and diffident. They cannot stand the cruel female world. That’s mostly why, the true love, sometimes flourishes, even under the pouring rain. (pause with commas)

The world, is not cruel
It’s just, far untrue
In every thought, duel
By every deed, through

With soft, independent
And diffident-right
Brought up, much transcendent
And brilliant, excite

My thoughts and belief
Inside burning mind
That’s seeking relief
A seeming good, kind

To bravely support
The difference, unwelcome
To hide in resort
And boldly dispel some

The doubts, unsound
They throw, female
So called, much renowned
To widely resale

The feminine standard
For most the men
To make us dependent
Again and again

Stony heart (27-11-2020)

The world is divided into the two halves. Woman and man. There is a constant struggle between them. She is a home of comfort and coziness. He is a constant search for fun and adventure. One day he will give her his big stone heart. But I think it’s not for long. There, around the corner, a beautiful girl in a dirndl dress is waiting for him. (pause with commas)

A home adventure
Is meant, to be only
No thoughts of a venture
Pretentious not, homely

My life’s turned a cozy
And sticky with comfort
I’m weird and prosy
Thanks, stony somewhat

I don’t want to struggle
With nature mine petrous
It always tends smuggle
My feelings off, endless

The longing, I cherish
A dirndl girl kisses
The wishes embellished
My stone heart misses

I want the mistake
Not settled forever
A poisonous snake
A burning endeavor

The part of my heart
The stony essence
That tears remarked
My lives’ coalescence

Golden your silence (24-07-2020)

Silence is gold, I agree with this phrase in part. I think that silence is silver, only tact is gold. (pause with commas)

Shut up, dear baby
I’m thinking of us
You’re careless-shady
And making a fuss

About a trifle
Not worthy a move
Imposing stifled
My mind, reproved

And split harshly over
Your words and behavior
Back off, crazy lover
Just do me a favor

I have a connection
With sources tranquil
To stop the distraction
You’ve mindless’ revealed

Shut up crazy lover
It’s golden your silence
Will let me recover
My sensible guidance

Fallen mixed (03-07-2020)

An office romance is funny. Good practice is not to give it way. It is very correct to suspend this relationship and enjoy the tension. Over time, the relationship will fade away and friendship will prevail. (pause with commas)

I’m self fallen mixed
An office romance
Cold damn endless fixed
My weak bodied stance

It’s wrong, all the time
I’m taken and treated
The feminine crimes
Are never defeated

A substitute reason
Shall never dismiss
It’s formal a treason
I’m always remiss

Support gorgeous ego
I’ve dreamt to respect
My masculine free-go
They always object

An elegant splendid
Will stand, all the time
I’m firmly defended
By masculine prime