True meaning of all

True meaning of all (15-02-2022)

Sympathy and compassion are nice and good. But sometimes they are inappropriate for the real life’s path. I try to figure it out how to fit myself into such a misconception. And I find the only way – not to think or recall. (pause with commas and check also out my music and book)

Some say, life’s a line
White mostly, shabby
Respectful benign
Though, somehow flabby

It is, strong and weak
With sympathy poor
Compassionately meek
Disguised as grandeur

It is, cracking on
Offsetting its path
A new life’s bygone
Or better been smashed

To make it straight line
Into common future
Uncracked and combined
None post mortal suture

I try soothe perception
Appropriate not
My self borne conception
Is stubbornly hot

A new life’s, the only
True meaning of all
Concepted, much lonely
To never recall

Philosophical verses