The agony curing

The agony curing (24-06-2022)

Why the world is always vulnerable? Why will there always be people who hate their own kind? I am trying to answer these questions and I come to the conclusion that nature has not been able to create a more effective method of resolving the crisis in its development other than physical self-destruction. This is a radical, fast and effective method. The agonizing party, which has come to a standstill in its development, involuntarily creates conditions when the world is forced to destroy it. Self-destruction through provocation, looks terrible but very similar to the truth. (pause with commas)

It is no flaw
To always be open
And live by the law
Of rules sound-spoken

That life and respect
The heaven and ground
We are to protect
Maintaining renowned

The questions and answers
Arisen in minds
The probable chances
And dangerous binds

The nature has hidden
From curious brains
Deliberate forbidden
Her radical chains

To keep them from changing
The most effective
And building, arranging
The whole protective

Destruction unconscious
And agony, curing
Without obnoxious
Resistance enduring

Philosophical verses