The war verses

War, at its core, is a manifestation of competition in its most disgusting form. Usually it occurs between neighbors, one of which is inferior in the effectiveness of his consciousness and sense of reality. A neighbor doomed to backwardness and hopelessness will destroy his more enlightened and open brother. It sounds crazy, of course, but any version of reality has the right to exist.

Freedom (05-05-2022)

Freedom is above all, it is more precious than time, efforts, hopes and expectations. Life without freedom is an endless hell. (pause with commas)

The freedom is mine
The fever and hope
My lonely shrine
Within stressful scope

Eternity shameless
Has cast off, around
Upon truly blameless
And prophesied ground

The freedom is yours
My friends, never met
Your marvelous scores
Victorious mindset

Are strong foundation
The world’s recognized
In-depth liberation
You’ve brought, energized

The freedom is yours
Well-earned and deserved
Through painful detours
And pressures incurved

Onto many destined
To suffer the pain
Unfair detested
Offended remain

I’ve thought (13-04-2022)

It is very sad to be wrong. It is very bitter to believe and be deceived. It is unforgivable to trust the most valuable to someone. It is dangerous to believe in good. It is very foolish to hope for a miracle. It is stupid to love and care. Unless you are a human being. (pause with commas)

I’ve thought, there was
Somewhere, a good sand
Once called, sacred cause
Humanity’s true friend

Who’s always reached out
Towards helping others
Through mist of the doubt
Embracing her brothers

I’ve thought, there were
Her pages, compassion
Acknowledged score
In firmly possession

The truth, reigning on
The hearts and the minds
The hand, firm and strong
Supportive for binds

I’ve thought, there was
The love and the care
Much called, sacred cause
Of hopeful prayer …

She’s thought, there is
A miracle hopeless
Her vain written pleas
To vanity soulless

The bomb shelter (09-04-2022)

I have always believed that crime is an action, and counteraction to a crime cannot be a crime as well. It’s very hard for me to imagine how people can be bombed. This is an absurdity, that is born, only in the brain of a sick person. What kind of scum, do you have to be, to deliberately kill for the sake of ghostly conclusions. I am very much ashamed, that I am an accomplice of this nightmare. (pause with commas)

A cursed, shiny day
Somewhere, bomb sheltered
Has plunged in, to stay
A fearful centered

Throughout the place
On shelves and the floor
Enslaving the space
They love and adore

The little, despaired
And innocent truly
Not even bit-scared
But daring fully

The victims, a shelf
I could, have been saving
Hadn’t I, been myself
So terrified-waving

I have no right
Comment or reflect
I am, part of shite
Proclaimed dirt-respect

Been born and forgotten
On shelves, inner fear
Ashamed and full-rotten
In sight of the Dear

Freedom of choice (02-06-2022)

Why is the world built on freedom of choice. Is it a necessary condition for the development of society? Yes, it is. And still, it’s hard for me to accept it, because negative characters can also make their negative choices and turn people’s lives into hell. (pause with commas)

I’m humble and kneeling
A feeble creation
That’s constantly living
A determination

To always obedient
Be day after day
Expressively lenient
Good natured-portrayed

Reality’s cruel
The freedom of choice
So purposeful dual
Remarkable ploys

Are shame and the pride
Of evil and good
No one ever hide
No one ever could

I’m humble and weeping
The scene breaks my heart
So quick, to be dripping
And falling apart …

Absurdity, furious
Is reining, prolonged
While innocence glorious
Is dying along

Sense of reality (15-06-2022)

It is very hard for me to think about the dead and wounded in this war. The war without meaning and reason. People are in captivity of their stupid fears, despair and hopelessness. Why is this happening? I can only guess. At some point, the natural development of the aggressive society was artificially changed and the imbalance grew into hatred, derived from unachieved goals. There is hope that Sense of reality is higher and stronger than war, it is invincible and omnipresent like life. (pause with commas)

There is only reason
And meaning entangled
The fifth, bloody season
Not hopefully strangled

The freedom of thought
And freedom to choose
The almost distraught
The freedom of views

I’m living dependent
Upon which, extremely
Imagining transcendent
The Senses serenely

Establish invincible
And omnipresent
The high level principal
The truly incessant

The peace, I am longing
To be part of us
Forever restoring
Those treated unjust …

The Sense of reality
My only reflection
My stressful morality
And bitter perfection

The agony curing (24-06-2022)

Why the world is always vulnerable? Why will there always be people who hate their own kind? I am trying to answer these questions and I come to the conclusion that nature has not been able to create a more effective method of resolving the crisis in its development other than physical self-destruction. This is a radical, fast and effective method. The agonizing party, which has come to a standstill in its development, involuntarily creates conditions when the world is forced to destroy it. Self-destruction through provocation, looks terrible but very similar to the truth. (pause with commas)

It is no flaw
To always be open
And live by the law
Of rules sound-spoken

That life and respect
The heaven and ground
We are to protect
Maintaining renowned

The questions and answers
Arisen in minds
The probable chances
And dangerous binds

The nature has hidden
From curious brains
Deliberate forbidden
Her radical chains

To keep them from changing
The most effective
And building, arranging
The whole protective

Destruction unconscious
And agony, curing
Without obnoxious
Resistance enduring

Self injured-controlled (17-05-2022)

Now is such a terrible time. Every morning I wake up, with the thought, that this horror is happening to me. How did it come, that I’m part of this terrible situation and I can’t change anything. (pause with commas)

I have no clue
Directions, mine, lost
A terror review
My ill-honored host

The wires unbound
From here, to there
Sharp circling around
Through ill-honored air

The hands, I’ve imagined
To reach out, firmly
Support those, saddened
Completely and warmly

Are weakly protrusive
Envisioned and groggy
Depictured delusive
And conjured up, foggy

I am, just a pinhead
Intentions, good-natured
Those easily spread
And ill-honor flavored

Are still, all I have
Within feeble soul
Delusively brave
Self injured-controlled

Pleaded (20-07-2022)

It is very difficult for me to think about what is happening. The world is a raging volcano. But there were also times of rapprochement and beautiful sparks that illuminated the future, at least for a short time. (pause with commas)

I grieve every moment
I couldn’t succeed
To set up postponement
And boldly proceed

Enlighten the minds
Encourage the hearts
Get rid of the blinds
And gather up parts

The world’s split around
Misled and forsaken
With evil renowned
And judgment mistaken

That’s still rolling on
By force and deception
So much waited gone
And set for rejection

I did all I could
To save sparkles weak
Bring forth understood
The moment critique

I used to have pleaded
Please, hold acting up
Let time superseded
The driveling crap

I care no more (10-10-2022)

I am very much interested in why a person becomes careless towards the end of life.
He seems to be divided into two people, one reckless and going forward to death in the literal sense of this statement. The other is trying to save him. This applies to ordinary people, and to psychics, and especially to rulers. The rulers kill themselves and the nations subordinate to them. Perhaps the burden of experiences, depressions and sins corrode the conscience, which is part of God in man, and this unbearable burden, that has been formed over a lifetime, wants liberation and termination. I am coming up to this line and begin to feel how my consciousness slowly cracks and starts to divide into fatalistic despair and miserable clinging to the passing life. (pause with commas)

I care no more
The pain drives me reckless
I lie on the floor
Completely defenseless

And try to discern
The signature scornful
A weak, all concern
I am, split and mournful

Divided into
The evil and bad
A trying look through
And blindly sad

I’m rushing about
From prudent to senseless
A teasingly proud
Or devilish reckless

I’m cursed to endure
And live torn asunder
Awaiting the cure
Of God’s fatal thunder …

The time gorgeous measure
The ruler of mortal
The kind of treasure
The final my portal