New verses

On this page I want to present you my new poems. I think that, what has been written recently, should be grouped together, because, all the resent verses have a slight similarity, which is very interesting to trace. I really hope you enjoy it. My music and book.

The negative field (28-07-2023)

Any means of prohibition, always, even indirectly, creates a limitation, which, in fact, is a change in time and space. It is the creation of a negative field that requires compensation at any subsequent moment. And the compensation event, that restores the change, will consume energy, physical and emotional. They say, that the gun, hanging on the wall, will one day fire. I think that this statement also applies to any ban. Any ban changes the natural course of events, hinders them and takes resources to neutralize itself. (pause with commas)

I like it, the freeing
Unlimited spaces
I like it, well-being
Of none, limitations

Direct or oblique
Protruding or hidden
Disgusting unique
Or formal forbidden

I like it, no ways
Prohibiting thinking
When all the lost days
Are foolishly sinking

Into space and time
Distorted, crime-willing
With falsely sublime
Fake truth, on fulfilling …

The negative field
My life, has been always
For ever concealed
Within, closed doorways …

Unlimited space
Up there, somewhere
Sprung up, with no trace
Of banning up, air

The winter is coming (10-07-2023)

All is well, past and present. The past is comfortable and well-fed, the present is calm and serene. But, unfortunately, all good things come to an end. We make efforts, grow bellies and soft spots, but still subconsciously prepare for a long and harsh winter. This is the ruthless law of entropy. (pause with commas)

The entropy’s hover
My worries protruding
Someday, all is over
The good things including

‘Cause winter is coming
Believable bluff
Not just, beer humming
As if winter stuff

Is hissing, subconscious
Onto weakness fleshly
With after taste noxious
And memories freshly …

I wake, with no wishes
Of sugary lust
Surrounding dishes
Of lovable crust

No effort supporting
To grow, the belly
Not soft spot transporting
To round-clock deli …

The entropy’s hover
My worries protruding
Someday, all is over
The good things including

I have long forgotten (04-07-2023)

It’s good when the guardian angel is so obedient. Bringing protection and household help. Still, don’t you tempt fate. Wise people say, that luck is only God’s providence and should not be abused. (pause with commas)

I have long forgotten
How hard it was living
Some days past, untrodden
With bloody thanksgiving

I have long forgotten
How hard it was smiling
When mind’s real shotten
With hopelessness piling

I have long forgotten
How good it was losing
Forever, much rotten
My thoughts, self abusing

I have long forgotten
How good it was feeling
A something, in common
With blessed ones, spell-healing

I have long forgotten
How good it was leaving
Composedly, forced-done
Unwilling receiving

I have long forgotten
How good it was being
A human one, Staten
And able foreseeing

The Great Depression (23-06-2023)

I believe that society develops consistently. And the most rapid development begins with the great depression. This is when violence and rudeness become inhibitory factors, that have exhausted their driving force at a certain stage. But we need to go through this, so that it never happens again. (pause with commas)

A violent thought
Has dawned onto me
The feeling I’ve got
A troublesome plea

Is torturing me now
Consistently rough
Developed somehow
Depressing hand cuff

My weak bodied stance
That’s prone, rudeness to
Malicious as chance
To see my life through

In callousness warmly
And harshness polite
And infamy lordly
And meanness, Great White …

I live in the trance
Exhausted and torn
With weak bodied stance
An absolute scorn …

Brutality handsome
And violence walkways
Inglorious anthems
Inhibitory always

Dreams and reality (14-06-2023)

It is very interesting that a person is a social being, which is molded from conventions. His thoughts and dreams are limited by the borders of decency and discretion. The feeling of reality, and sense of duty to society, do constrain his movements. But sometimes, we want to set ourselves free from conventions, and be just the ones who can make forgivable mistakes of frivolity. We want to set ourselves free, from the fetters and fly away, far in our thoughts and attempts. (pause with commas)

I don’t like it, being
A social creature
An interest of fleeing
And able fly feature

Are most desired
At least to me only
The thoughts mine, conspired
Coarse modest and homely

I don’t like it, limit
The borders’ discretion
A rudeness implicit
Or hidden compression

Which reigning around
Suppressing me strongly
By strains, inner bound
And homefullness lonely

I want to be wild-free
From fetters self-forged
To full and high degree
Frivolity gorged …

Forgivable not
Mistakes mine are welcome
Light-mindedness hot
I’ve longed for, to have some

Virtual reality (31-05-2023)

The deepest logic of the material world is development, constant movement and transition from one state to another. It doesn’t have to happen in reality. Our consciousness is a connection between the material and the virtual. Our brain is a place where developmental processes, that have come to a standstill in reality, continue their cycle. Perhaps the mind and consciousness arose from the math need to guide and model the Universe. We are a means to leverage its development. (pause with commas)

I look at the sky
Illogical stranded
I’m forced to deny
Perception decanted

I’ve gained, not to be
True tenable deepest
Awaiting burst free
From fallacy steepest

I try stop it hard
Transition not happen
From state of retard
To move it all, ripen …

The virtual base
My new destination
Corruption of space
And fake foundation …

I try make it out
Material – virtue
Connection compound
Math needed, transfer to …

My brain is a place
Beginning and ending
Developed up, grace
And foolishness pending

Rationality (10-05-2023)

Why, the black and white world is always aggressive. Why does it hate everyone around, including itself. This is the mystery of millennia. Maybe, the denial of one’s nature, is the trait that turns life into hell. We know that, the rationality of consciousness is very rough and suicidal. It is a paradox that lives in the minds of people, as contradictory, as the brightest feelings, love and hate, complement each other. (pause with commas)

Aggressive am I
From very day born
The black and the white
Mentality scorn

The feature, inherent
I’ve got, cursed to be
Extensive efficient
In black and white spree

I am, strange a creature
With white-painted soul
A kind of stitcher
Of crooked control

Within bloody waters
Of black and white truth
The rational quarters
Of errancies smooth

The rough suicidal
My lifelessness linger
Closed up, with a bridle
And tied to a sinker

The black and the white
From very day born
Aggressive am I
And mentally scorned

The flower of hope (03-04-2023)

It is very interesting, that a person, always lives in hope. In the most difficult times, his hope sprouts like a flower between the forbidding boards. I really want to believe, that the world will change and wars will stop. (pause with commas)

My life is a war
A hopelessly quiet
A closed up door
Insensibly private

It is, endless scope
Forbidden and restless
The sweet, soothing dope
My thoughts, fallen zestless

I try go on
Break boards, building out
The senses, dead born
Of black ruthless drought

That’s spreading around
As avalanche folly
Inherent unsound
Allegedly holy …

My life is a war
Inside, more than out
Of feelings burnt sore
And hatred devout

The flower of hope
I live on, perceive
The sweet, soothing dope
I’ve come to receive

The absolute shapeless (09-01-2023)

In my understanding, people are all the same, regardless of race, living conditions and place of residence. Man is an absolute and independent entity that takes shape in accordance with the circumstances.

Probably, the division into countries and nations is an artificial event. It is simply connected with the origins of mankind and, ultimately, all nations will merge into one nation of earthlings, representatives of their planet. And then, the most interesting, overcoming the speed of light, warp technology and exploration of space and the Universe.

It is very sad that we are stuck in the past with wars and hatred for each other. (pause with commas)

A shape, what is it
Deformity strange
A down right cheat
Evolved rearrange

A face non existent
The absolute tinge
A hardly consistent
Vestigial fringe

My mind’s shaken over
Embrace it somehow
And go on slower
And sensibly out

Get fully in charge
Of shapes pending here
And hold on, in large
My shapelessness gear

I do stay connected
Bring forms, broken down
Live on, non protected
But no more bound …

An entity shapeless
I am, to admit
An entity nameless
I am, to permit

Peaceful supreme (31-12-2022)

My dear listeners and readers. I am very much pleased to congratulate you on the new year 2023. I am quite sure that this year will bring us peace and prosperity.

I am very much grieved that there is a war going on and people are suffering. I hope that the opposing sides will sit down at the negotiation table and agree on peace.

What is happening now is madness that has no solution, other than the reconciliation of the parties. The forces of the parties are equal and therefore this war can last decades and bring more grief and sufferings to all people and the planet as a whole. Now we must stop, admit that both sides were equally wrong, no matter how bitter and insulting it was.

There is no doubt that all crimes against humanity will be investigated and a court verdict will be issued. Nobody has to worry about it. On all sides there are really humane leaders who will definitely bring the investigation to the end, perhaps, with the next governments in power. (pause with commas)

I have a dream
A year of prosperity
So peaceful supreme
Has brought solidarity

Into desperate souls
I long to be healed
The madness-burned poles
I want to be chilled

I have a dream
There is no pain
There is no scream
And cursed-bloody chain

Inside burning minds
By hatred, dead forged
And hidden by blinds
But finally scorched

I have a dream
A year of humanity
Has formed up a stream
To end up calamity

We used to live
So stupidly headless
A year of extreme
The foolishness reckless

The miracle true (25-12-2022)

My dear listeners and readers. I congratulate you on the brightest and most important event of our time – the Nativity of Christ. I wish you well, good luck and good mood. I’m sure everything will be fine with you and your families.

I am very much pleased, to think, that there is a great miracle in our life – Jesus Christ. He came and made us better, taught us righteous and open life. He taught us, to be free, and not be afraid of the injustice and rudeness that surround us. The beginning of every day, for me, is the words of gratitude to Christ, for this wonderful world created and blessed for us.

I am very sorry that there is a war and people are dying. I pray and ask the Lord that He does not leave us without his attention. (pause with commas)

I am so much grateful
The miracle splendid
Magnificent, gorgeous, and wonderful true

Has made me a faithful
And warmly defended
A righteous, and open, and caring too

I am so much thankful
Attention His glorious
Has found me kneeling, and longing to be

An openly peaceful
And always victorious
In every His call, addressed onto me

I am so much pained
Of rudeness around
Of wars, raged unfair, against peaceful ones

I do humbly pray
For peace to be found
And let us be free, for new life of plans

Linked The Beauty In (06-12-2022)

There is a great professional and social network that I really like. It is linkedIn. I am very much sad, that I was kicked out of it, because, I have imposed my presence on the professional and beautiful women. I can’t help myself, I love to breathe in the inner beauty which enhances the outer beauty, that nature has generously given us.

I dedicate this verse to my dear R.S. She is a dazzlingly beautiful, artful and smart girl. I wish I could see her, up close, someday, without the unnecessary veil. (pause with commas)

I have been a mess
For long time, a being
I used to digress
The thoughts mine, were fleeing

Towards some away
A point of struggle
I should have, surveyed
And quietly snuggle

I went up on line
To breathe in the beauty
I waited the sign
An interested cutie

Would kiss an old hide
And smile through the lines
Lit up me a guide
The juicy divines

I am longing for
Embrace and get close
The hills grandiose

Unveiled in the dark
Revealing the cozy
The most lovely mark
A man dreaming posy

A providence graceful (25-11-2022)

I dedicate this verse to the most beautiful and intelligent girl from Japan – my dear M. K.

One day, I received an invitation to chat, from a Japanese artist and owner of a series of beauty salons in London. She read my book and expressed a very interested attitude to communicate. We chatted on various topics, discussed philosophers and the essence of being. It was very easy and relaxed for me to communicate. At that moment, I understood, why John and Yoko were together. I am sure, it is the greatest love possible, and the kindred of souls, definately as well. An open and free composer and an equally open and free woman from the Land of the Rising Sun. (pause with commas)

The evening, my blessed
A Babylon call
Surprising impressed
I was ready roll

A point of turn
So much, unexpected
I came to discern
My future reflected

The evening, I’m blessed
I have been so happy
Some time, in the past
Lived on, moody-snappy

And waited for you
To call me right here
Into something new
A miracle sphere

An artist would bring
As essence of being
Relaxed and expressed
A marvelous freeing

Has dawned onto me
I am, so much grateful
Enabled foresee
A providence graceful

A lonely dozed (03-11-2022)

The world is arranged in such a way, that a person cannot be alone. Men, especially, suffer from it. Because they are lonely in essence of the function, that nature has prepared for them. Men are driven to the unknown, which beckons them with sweet expectations. (pause with commas)

I want to be lonely
And waste life away
I hate being homely
And tend disobey

Whatever the ruling
Was mounted on
Within soft-n-schooling
My mind, thereupon

I want the arrangement
Brought down, away
And all the attainment
Crashed up and astray

Been gone for-true-ever
I am, longing for
A splendid endeavor
My destiny store

A look for affection
Gain, lose and dismiss
Redundant reflection
And painful release

Hot nature forecasting
Done ruling imposed
The soul, still lasting
And lonely dozed

I care no more (10-10-2022)

I am very much interested in why a person becomes careless towards the end of life.
He seems to be divided into two people, one reckless and going forward to death in the literal sense of this statement. The other is trying to save him. This applies to ordinary people, and to psychics, and especially to rulers. The rulers kill themselves and the nations subordinate to them. Perhaps the burden of experiences, depressions and sins corrode the conscience, which is part of God in man, and this unbearable burden, that has been formed over a lifetime, wants liberation and termination. I am coming up to this line and begin to feel how my consciousness slowly cracks and starts to divide into fatalistic despair and miserable clinging to the passing life. (pause with commas)

I care no more
The pain drives me reckless
I lie on the floor
Completely defenseless

And try to discern
The signature scornful
A weak, all concern
I am, split and mournful

Divided into
The evil and bad
A trying look through
And blindly sad

I’m rushing about
From prudent to senseless
A teasingly proud
Or devilish reckless

I’m cursed to endure
And live torn asunder
Awaiting the cure
Of God’s fatal thunder …

The time gorgeous measure
The ruler of mortal
The kind of treasure
The final my portal

Never been free (12-08-2022)

This verse is dedicated to C.C.

Life is an interesting thing. It is always doubting and worrying, searching and finding. Patiently waiting for the moment and regretting that it did not come sooner. Who is she, the mysterious stranger, the Universe or a simple woman. (pause with commas)

A doubt I’m facing
The inner and deep
Deceitfully pacing
And worrying steep

Inside of my mind
Paved up, searching lane
To never do find
A land free of pain

I stare away
And say words of prayer
Regretful essay
My life’s a compare

To waste desolate cave
I’ve dug, with my hands
Intending to save
The smallest spark chance

A love I’ve been dreaming
To fill me with sense
To make me joy screaming
A perfect romance …

She’s standing by side
And looking through me
As if I have died
And never’s been free

Neutrality blameless (05-08-2022)

This verse is dedicated to N.M.C.

Some girls are a disaster. They only think of ideals. And especially they have a point on respect. All the difficulties in the relationship between a man and a woman arise, as I think, from the desire to impose one’s perception of the world. The most difficult thing is to remain neutral, not biased, not to offend or exalt your interlocutor. (pause with commas)

Ideals are good
The shiny and golden
Assured, withstood
Of now and olden

The rules, carved away
Into, mine the heart
Submissive as prey
And falling apart

For every your glance
And curvy waist lines
Awaiting the chance
To show off signs

Of living ordeal
A barren project
That is, pointless zeal
Your nature reflect

Desires imposed
Perceptions been choked
And aiming unclosed
Controlling provoked …

Neutrality blameless
I love YOU so much
Not biased or faceless
As once, your first touch

Pleaded (20-07-2022)

It is very difficult for me to think about what is happening. The world is a raging volcano. But there were also times of rapprochement and beautiful sparks that illuminated the future, at least for a short time. (pause with commas)

I grieve every moment
I couldn’t succeed
To set up postponement
And boldly proceed

Enlighten the minds
Encourage the hearts
Get rid of the blinds
And gather up parts

The world’s split around
Misled and forsaken
With evil renowned
And judgment mistaken

That’s still rolling on
By force and deception
So much waited gone
And set for rejection

I did all I could
To save sparkles weak
Bring forth understood
The moment critique

I used to have pleaded
Please, hold acting up
Let time superseded
The driveling crap

Legitimate carnal (11-07-2022)

Spain, Italy, Georgia, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and many others. These are beautiful countries where fiery hearts live. One spark is enough and the flame will swallow you whole. I would take a chance, but I have become bald already. Try it, you will like it. (pause with commas)

I have inclination
And tendency quiet
To keep reputation
Somehow defiant

But try to remain
Legitimate carnal
Suppressing the reign
Of wishfulness final

Your spark is enough
To break weakly rule
And crash down bluff
I am, senses full

Been trying expose
Inversely composed
And formerly sloshed

My will, taking chances
Now’s fully controlled
Not only by fences
An old and bald

Became, well, already
In spite of the time
I have been much steady
Supportive sublime

The inner rapport (04-07-2022)

A cool morning or a cloudy evening, a gone day or a coming night, they do not matter at all, when you feel lost in space and time, while trying to discern the meaning of your fragile and lonely life, in the vague outlines of the distant shore. (pause with commas)

A cool morning’s breaking
Above distant shore
My lost and forsaken
The inner rapport

Does wake me, to linger
With bitter in-taste
A failed, foolish thinker
Was I, thoughtless waste

The day gone unnoticed
Towards distant shore
Left vision unfocused
From here to fore

And turned into evening
As well, distant stored
Still not deal-relieving
Much waited accord

My thoughts, scattered round
And sinking afar
Before even found
By someone, ajar

I will try discerning
The meaning, my life
Is endlessly cloning
Perpetual strife

Protection is faith (28-06-2022)

For as long as I’ve known myself, I’ve been trying to hide under an imaginary umbrella. Some people say that the ultimate protection is within oneself. Only man himself can protect own-self from misery and adversity. Many call this protection a guardian angel. Perhaps this is true, but only if your faith is stronger than fear. (pause with commas)

I’m constantly searching
Agnostic myself
Within fears scorching
And sins stone-stealth

I’ve always been driven
Half good and half bad
To stay unforgiven
And endlessly sad

I’ve looked for protection
In outer world
But feasted rejection
Consequent occurred

And ended up stranded
Somewhere within
Adversity branded
As stone-stealth sin

I try to look round
Where did I go wrong
My wishes unbound
And will never strong

Both silly-tight swathe
Are now undone
Protection is faith
The ultimate one

The agony curing (24-06-2022)

Why the world is always vulnerable? Why will there always be people who hate their own kind? I am trying to answer these questions and I come to the conclusion that nature has not been able to create a more effective method of resolving the crisis in its development other than physical self-destruction. This is a radical, fast and effective method. The agonizing party, which has come to a standstill in its development, involuntarily creates conditions when the world is forced to destroy it. Self-destruction through provocation, looks terrible but very similar to the truth. (pause with commas)

It is no flaw
To always be open
And live by the law
Of rules sound-spoken

That life and respect
The heaven and ground
We are to protect
Maintaining renowned

The questions and answers
Arisen in minds
The probable chances
And dangerous binds

The nature has hidden
From curious brains
Deliberate forbidden
Her radical chains

To keep them from changing
The most effective
And building, arranging
The whole protective

Destruction unconscious
And agony, curing
Without obnoxious
Resistance enduring

Sense of reality (15-06-2022)

It is very hard for me to think about the dead and wounded in this war. The war without meaning and reason. People are in captivity of their stupid fears, despair and hopelessness. Why is this happening? I can only guess. At some point, the natural development of the aggressive society was artificially changed and the imbalance grew into hatred, derived from unachieved goals. There is hope that Sense of reality is higher and stronger than war, it is invincible and omnipresent like life. (pause with commas)

There is only reason
And meaning entangled
The fifth, bloody season
Not hopefully strangled

The freedom of thought
And freedom to choose
The almost distraught
The freedom of views

I’m living dependent
Upon which, extremely
Imagining transcendent
The Senses serenely

Establish invincible
And omnipresent
The high level principal
The truly incessant

The peace, I am longing
To be part of us
Forever restoring
Those treated unjust …

The Sense of reality
My only reflection
My stressful morality
And bitter perfection

Freedom of choice (02-06-2022)

Why is the world built on freedom of choice. Is it a necessary condition for the development of society? Yes, it is. And still, it’s hard for me to accept it, because negative characters can also make their negative choices and turn people’s lives into hell. (pause with commas)

I’m humble and kneeling
A feeble creation
That’s constantly living
A determination

To always obedient
Be day after day
Expressively lenient
Good natured-portrayed

Reality’s cruel
The freedom of choice
So purposeful dual
Remarkable ploys

Are shame and the pride
Of evil and good
No one ever hide
No one ever could

I’m humble and weeping
The scene breaks my heart
So quick, to be dripping
And falling apart …

Absurdity, furious
Is reining, prolonged
While innocence glorious
Is dying along

Self injured-controlled (17-05-2022)

Now is such a terrible time. Every morning I wake up, with the thought, that this horror is happening to me. How did it come, that I’m part of this terrible situation and I can’t change anything. (pause with commas)

I have no clue
Directions, mine, lost
A terror review
My ill-honored host

The wires unbound
From here, to there
Sharp circling around
Through ill-honored air

The hands, I’ve imagined
To reach out, firmly
Support those, saddened
Completely and warmly

Are weakly protrusive
Envisioned and groggy
Depictured delusive
And conjured up, foggy

I am, just a pinhead
Intentions, good-natured
Those easily spread
And ill-honor flavored

Are still, all I have
Within feeble soul
Delusively brave
Self injured-controlled

Freedom (05-05-2022)

Freedom is above all, it is more precious than time, efforts, hopes and expectations. Life without freedom is an endless hell. (pause with commas)

The freedom is mine
The fever and hope
My lonely shrine
Within stressful scope

Eternity shameless
Has cast off, around
Upon truly blameless
And prophesied ground

The freedom is yours
My friends, never met
Your marvelous scores
Victorious mindset

Are strong foundation
The world’s recognized
In-depth liberation
You’ve brought, energized

The freedom is yours
Well-earned and deserved
Through painful detours
And pressures incurved

Onto many destined
To suffer the pain
Unfair detested
Offended remain

I’ve thought (13-04-2022)

It is very sad to be wrong. It is very bitter to believe and be deceived. It is unforgivable to trust the most valuable to someone. It is dangerous to believe in good. It is very foolish to hope for a miracle. It is stupid to love and care. Unless you are a human being. (pause with commas)

I’ve thought, there was
Somewhere, a good sand
Once called, sacred cause
Humanity’s true friend

Who’s always reached out
Towards helping others
Through mist of the doubt
Embracing her brothers

I’ve thought, there were
Her pages, compassion
Acknowledged score
In firmly possession

The truth, reigning on
The hearts and the minds
The hand, firm and strong
Supportive for binds

I’ve thought, there was
The love and the care
Much called, sacred cause
Of hopeful prayer …

She’s thought, there is
A miracle hopeless
Her vain written pleas
To vanity soulless

The bomb shelter (09-04-2022)

I have always believed that crime is an action, and counteraction to a crime cannot be a crime as well. It’s very hard for me to imagine how people can be bombed. This is an absurdity, that is born, only in the brain of a sick person. What kind of scum, do you have to be, to deliberately kill for the sake of ghostly conclusions. I am very much ashamed, that I am an accomplice of this nightmare. (pause with commas)

A cursed, shiny day
Somewhere, bomb sheltered
Has plunged in, to stay
A fearful centered

Throughout the place
On shelves and the floor
Enslaving the space
They love and adore

The little, despaired
And innocent truly
Not even bit-scared
But daring fully

The victims, a shelf
I could, have been saving
Hadn’t I, been myself
So terrified-waving

I have no right
Comment or reflect
I am, part of shite
Proclaimed dirt-respect

Been born and forgotten
On shelves, inner fear
Ashamed and full-rotten
In sight of the Dear

Knowledge pricey (18-02-2022)

Knowledge is a dangerous thing. Not enough of it is ignorance, too much of it is madness. The good ones are stuck in the middle, while the lucky ones are beyond reach of sanity. (pause with commas)

I haven’t been normal
Nor then, and nor now
Relations informal
I lived though somehow

By sparkles of wisdom
I hardly still have
Surviving the system
Existence mine raved

Before and thereafter
An ignorant, learned
From fear to laughter
Been quickly on-burnt

Within glassy sparseness
That bears degree
The kind of harness
My life’s desperate plea

Is knowledge pricey
At changing me much
From youthfully spicy
To mournfully crutched

Onto wailing endless
And longing, come share
The burden tremendous
I want you aware

True meaning of all (15-02-2022)

Sympathy and compassion are nice and good. But sometimes they are inappropriate for the real life’s path. I try to figure it out how to fit myself into such a misconception. And I find the only way – not to think or recall. (pause with commas)

Some say, life’s a line
White mostly, shabby
Respectful benign
Though, somehow flabby

It is, strong and weak
With sympathy poor
Compassionately meek
Disguised as grandeur

It is, cracking on
Offsetting its path
A new life’s bygone
Or better been smashed

To make it straight line
Into common future
Uncracked and combined
None post mortal suture

I try soothe perception
Appropriate not
My self borne conception
Is stubbornly hot

A new life’s, the only
True meaning of all
Concepted, much lonely
To never recall

The perfect curving (07-02-2022)

The world is very much outlined. Some lines are sharp, some are too smooth, while the other some, are perfectly curving into a receptive heart. (pause with commas)

I am, always driven
Towards perfect curving
The nature, has given
My eyes long deserving

A way, running shameless
The view, bottom-up
And stay inner blameless
Not faulty abrupt

I want to get close
And sense all the lines
Unzip them utmost
The juicy divines

And turn you around
To burn, with my kiss
Then warmly surround
Insatiable bliss

Is now about
To burst out, right
And start, the devout
An innocent night

The ridge sliding round
Has waved us, good pluck
And senses unbound
And tireless luck

I plead oddly much (02-02-2022)

There are times when I feel that being right or wrong doesn’t matter at all. When the situation gets out of my control, all that remains, is to pray and hope. (pause with commas)

I pray, having been
A little distracted
To come out, clean
Of blunders enacted

By chances uncertain
I’ve oddly embraced
Expecting my burdens
Somehow unlaced

I plead oddly much
Not ever fall guilty
Avoid madly clutch
And aftermath silty

Your foolish intentions
Have brought in, someway
Collapsed my affections
Not fit to relay

The message, I’m haunted
Like slipping reward
Your presence much wanted
Of pleasing accord

I’m longing to sense
Before you are gone
And slightly dispensed
My right into wrong

The slavery, lovely (31-01-2022)

Sometimes a family is much worse than a prison. This is the worst thing that can happen to a child. And a fleeting moment of freedom is the moment of happiness that a child can have. (pause with commas)

I want to get lost
And never be found
Whatever the cost
Of getting unbound

From dearly noose
I’ve been born into
With no way, to choose
Or rushing on through

Unfortunate my fate
A mock in the face
I won’t give in, late
A childhood’s embrace

The slavery, lovely
I’m fed up with, much
So seemingly bubbly
The sweetest, my crutch

Is always around
To show its worth
And have me aground
In slavish rebirth

The child, I will never
Be found at all
And gladly shall sever
Them, dummy install

Brewed up, to refuse (27-01-2022)

Some souls are endlessly searching. When they find, the very moment they lose, because, the aim has been reached and there should be a new one to find and refuse. (pause with commas)

They have me accused
Of being lighthearted
Brewed up, to refuse
Affections much granted

That I’m searching on
Respective to lose
And wouldn’t, have gone
Some true one, to choose

But get rid of, fast
By blinking the eye
Self inner harassed
By selfishness high

Forever and more
Not caring perished
My heart to restore

Come on, get dismissed
I don’t anymore
Do searching persist
Someone to adore

I’m dreaming away
The true one, refuse
And gorgeously play

The diffident love (25-01-2022)

Some men are soft and diffident. They cannot stand the cruel female world. That’s mostly why, the true love, sometimes flourishes, even under the pouring rain. (pause with commas)

The world, is not cruel
It’s just, far untrue
In every thought, duel
By every deed, through

With soft, independent
And diffident-right
Brought up, much transcendent
And brilliant, excite

My thoughts and belief
Inside burning mind
That’s seeking relief
A seeming good, kind

To bravely support
The difference, unwelcome
To hide in resort
And boldly dispel some

The doubts, unsound
They throw, female
So called, much renowned
To widely resale

The feminine standard
For most the men
To make us dependent
Again and again

Born of a sadness (24-01-2022)

There are some ones that seem to be born of a sadness, no matter how hard you try to change them. I am partially the kind. I know what it is, to live out of space and time, where strangeness has permanently established her existence. (pause with commas)

I’m born of a sadness
In outer space
I lack, all the gladness
And even a trace

Of which, never found
Inside the abyss
I’ve fully been drowned
With welcoming hiss

I feel it discharged
The air of sorrow
The butterfly’s barged
Half-heartedly borrowed

And rose to company
The sheepish my look
On moodish, the hook

I’m here to say
I’m sorry-existence
Somehow display
A weakly consistence

To try, to have changed
And last for a while
In normal arranged
The effortless style

The formal retreat (20-01-2022)

There are forms in a man’s life that always excite his imagination. However, I am no exception, I constantly try to remain calm about the desires that they can bring. (pause with commas)

I long to reform
My madly gone striving
The mind’s, driven storm
From beauty deriving

So longing, get rid
Of being dependent
On formal retreat
My heart’s, a defendant

Is rushing away
From being restricted
To mildly convey
My senses afflicted

And trying ignore
The pressure I fear
Though let, in the core
My feelings to steer

I’m almost fallen
The formal desired
Retreated, self stolen
Sweet selfish admired

My tears of shame
Do burn lustful eyes
The punishment flame
My shameful disguise

Perplexity troubled (12-01-2022)

The modern human world is slowly transforming into a mono-presentation of the sexes. I think that, on some, albeit a very distant day, mono perception will dominate. (pause with commas)

A little complexity
I face all the time
The troubled perplexity
Much worse or sublime

Psychology freak
The mono or hetero
Suppressed up, to speak
Or even think antero

I know it is
The shame of diversity
Dishonor to freeze
In loosed up perversity

The madness of forms
Of beauty resilient
Blurred up, stagnant norms
To monarchy brilliant …

In multiple regions
The mono shall reign
Though covered with lesions
Of doubt remained …

My beautiful Domina
Perplexity troubled
I strive to be nominal
Off tendency stumbled

Liquid my senses (10-01-2022)

It is bitter to sense the difference between the environments, especially if you are so much dependent upon them. (pause with commas)

There’s a dream
Carved into space
Cursed by extreme
Time’s worthless grace

Being a normal
So much desired
Damned by the formal
Dough required

Liquid my senses
Am I morose
Hidden defenses
Loneliness’ dose

Are all my strivings
Plunging in-out
Sworn by the timing
Bitter devout

Stronghold, my senses
I am disposed
Get rid of fences
True dumb morose

Build upon shaken
Inner my ghost
I am forsaken
At low cost

Cold beautiful sad (04-01-2022)

Some women are the incarnation and embodiment of nature in all her appearances – imaginary, emotional, spiritual and mental. I am strongly driven towards them. They are everything – predatory beauty and kind heart, amazing elegance and endless sadness. (pause with commas)

I’m queer a stranger
Throughout the world
Gone feasting, arranger
Of sadness gray cold

I’m so much awaiting
Emotional bursting
Devotional craving
And spiritual thirsting

The beauty and beast
The bitter by kind
Who’s never released
Of self-righteous mind

The lady I’m craving
To be wholly mine
Predatory waving
The piquant by kind

I am driven close
I want to posses
The miracle most
A ravenous quest

Her love of a winter
Cold beautiful sad
Her heart of a splinter
Ice covering clad

My mind and soul
Hurt-taken forever
Sad beautiful cold
My dangerous endeavor