The new 2024 year

My dear readers and listeners.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I really hope, that the new year, will be the year of the end of conflicts and confrontations. A year of peace and rapprochement of all nations on Earth.

Don’t judge me strictly, these are just my thoughts aloud.

It pains me very much to realize that fraternal peoples hate each other. That the stupidity of some ones, and the cunning of the others, has led to a hopeless situation, that is devouring human lives. The most valuable miracle we have. I always thought, that if a person is ready to die for his beliefs, then he is right. Perhaps this is true, but what can we do, if two truths are trying to prove, that each one of them is sovereign.

Perhaps, only, an external arbiter, who represents all of humanity, is able to decide who is right and who is wrong, and stop the dispute at the moment of its origin.

I really hope, that in the nearest future, a new organization, the League of Nations, will be created. That it shall be based on a simple majority of votes of the participants, each of whom represents a proportionate group of the planet’s population, without any privileges or vetoes.

I really hope that this organization will be able to stop any conflict at the stage of its formation.

Perhaps this is idealism, but I really want to believe in it.


It is very sad to be wrong. It is very bitter to believe and be deceived. It is unforgivable to trust the most valuable to someone. It is dangerous to believe in good. It is very foolish to hope for a miracle. It is stupid to love and care. Unless you are a human being.

God bless you.
