
creating and recording music

Сomposition from the beginning

I think the process of creating and recording music is very much interesting. And besides,
it’s a cool thing to hear pieces of the future greatest work. Therefore, on the site I open the workshop page where I will talk about the process of creating and recording music.
Here I will be creaing my real compositions step by step. I hope that the process will be interesting to you.

Stage one, you need to fall in love, find a beautiful girl. This is a joke, but probably it has a fraction of a joke.

creating and recording music

Stage two, when you find yourself in a state of euphoria and abstraction, pick up a guitar or grab a piano. I’m a guitarist, but I also like the piano, so I decided to record the first song on
the site – only vocals and piano.

I record two themes in a row, narration and choir, these are the main elements of which the composition is built. I quantize by16th triplets and the second stage is completed.

Music in general terms is ready, now I need lyrics, I went to write.

There is wine, a typewriter, but where is the muse from stage one?

creating and recording music

So the third stage, the lyrics. I’ll talk a little about the language.

My destiny brought me to Germany. After a while, I have come to like the German language.

I like the language very much. Therefore, I decided to write compositions in German.
Let’s see what happens, I hope it will be interesting. A little funny at first, but then it will be better.

I also like German cars very much, I want to advertise Mercedes. For me, this word has always been magical.

The lyrics is ready, a little sad, the separation of two random acquaintances, between whom a spark of love slipped. He comes to say goodbye and enjoy the sense of loss of what could be a beautiful romance. This is a contradiction of the human psyche. If you desire something very much and this desire is not fulfilled, a state of satisfaction in loss sets in.

So the first version of the lyrics is ready, it is numbered for measures. When recording starts, the text will change slightly to improve the expressiveness of the sound.

creating and recording music


einführung 1-4 D-F#m-A-Bm

(thema) 5-12

Ich bin hier, auf wiedersehen D
Sehe den Blick in Ihrem Gesicht F#m
Zu fliehen den Fragen, warum A-Bm

Ich bin hier, auf wiedersehen D
Ich werde spurlos verschwinden mich |A-F#|
Die Erklärung loswerden darum G-C#

(chor) 13-20

Verblasse Ich, wie am Tag zuvor |D-E|A-F#m|
In jemanden, Sie nicht kennen |D-E|F#m
Verlieren Ich, wie am Tag zuvor |D-E|A-F#m|
Jemand, ich nie werde kennen |D-E|F#m

(füllung) 21-24 |D-E|F#m – 2

(thema) 25-32

Ich laufe vor mir selbst davon
Von kommenden Erinnerungen
Ich werde niemals teilen

Geschlossen in Gedanken schön
Seitdem ich geschätzt Entbehrungen
Meine Hoffnungen zu heilen

(chor) 33-40

(chor) 41-48

(ende) 49-53

Jemand, ich nie werde kennen |D-E|F#m
Jemand, ich nie werde kennen |D-E|F#m|F#m

creating and recording music

The fourth stage it is. I can write lyrics and music. And I did some recording already. You can find it on the music page. Still recording vocals is a whole problem for me. The voice trembles and does not hit the notes. Fortunately, there’s the only way on. Just type in Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy at the search prompt