Born of a sadness

Born of a sadness (24-01-2022)

There are some ones that seem to be born of a sadness, no matter how hard you try to change them. I am partially the kind. I know what it is, to live out of space and time, where strangeness has permanently established her existence. (pause with commas and check also out my music and book)

I’m born of a sadness
In outer space
I lack, all the gladness
And even a trace

Of which, never found
Inside the abyss
I’ve fully been drowned
With welcoming hiss

I feel it discharged
The air of sorrow
The butterfly’s barged
Half-heartedly borrowed

And rose to company
The sheepish my look
On moodish, the hook

I’m here to say
I’m sorry-existence
Somehow display
A weakly consistence

To try, to have changed
And last for a while
In normal arranged
The effortless style

Reflective verses