Philosophical verses

I have written a few philosophical verses as the reflection of the pictures randomly collected on the internet. I have tried to do it with the deepest meaning possible.

The negative field (28-07-2023)

Any means of prohibition, always, even indirectly, creates a limitation, which, in fact, is a change in time and space. It is the creation of a negative field that requires compensation at any subsequent moment. And the compensation event, that restores the change, will consume energy, physical and emotional. They say, that the gun, hanging on the wall, will one day fire. I think that this statement also applies to any ban. Any ban changes the natural course of events, hinders them and takes resources to neutralize itself. (pause with commas)

I like it, the freeing
Unlimited spaces
I like it, well-being
Of none, limitations

Direct or oblique
Protruding or hidden
Disgusting unique
Or formal forbidden

I like it, no ways
Prohibiting thinking
When all the lost days
Are foolishly sinking

Into space and time
Distorted, crime-willing
With falsely sublime
Fake truth, on fulfilling …

The negative field
My life, has been always
For ever concealed
Within, closed doorways …

Unlimited space
Up there, somewhere
Sprung up, with no trace
Of banning up, air

Virtual reality (31-05-2023)

The deepest logic of the material world is development, constant movement and transition from one state to another. It doesn’t have to happen in reality. Our consciousness is a connection between the material and the virtual. Our brain is a place where developmental processes, that have come to a standstill in reality, continue their cycle. Perhaps the mind and consciousness arose from the math need to guide and model the Universe. We are a means to leverage its development. (pause with commas)

I look at the sky
Illogical stranded
I’m forced to deny
Perception decanted

I’ve gained, not to be
True tenable deepest
Awaiting burst free
From fallacy steepest

I try stop it hard
Transition not happen
From state of retard
To move it all, ripen …

The virtual base
My new destination
Corruption of space
And fake foundation …

I try make it out
Material – virtue
Connection compound
Math needed, transfer to …

My brain is a place
Beginning and ending
Developed up, grace
And foolishness pending

Rationality (10-05-2023)

Why, the black and white world is always aggressive. Why does it hate everyone around, including itself. This is the mystery of millennia. Maybe, the denial of one’s nature, is the trait that turns life into hell. We know that, the rationality of consciousness is very rough and suicidal. It is a paradox that lives in the minds of people, as contradictory, as the brightest feelings, love and hate, complement each other. (pause with commas)

Aggressive am I
From very day born
The black and the white
Mentality scorn

The feature, inherent
I’ve got, cursed to be
Extensive efficient
In black and white spree

I am, strange a creature
With white-painted soul
A kind of stitcher
Of crooked control

Within bloody waters
Of black and white truth
The rational quarters
Of errancies smooth

The rough suicidal
My lifelessness linger
Closed up, with a bridle
And tied to a sinker

The black and the white
From very day born
Aggressive am I
And mentally scorned

The agony curing (24-06-2022)

Why the world is always vulnerable? Why will there always be people who hate their own kind? I am trying to answer these questions and I come to the conclusion that nature has not been able to create a more effective method of resolving the crisis in its development other than physical self-destruction. This is a radical, fast and effective method. The agonizing party, which has come to a standstill in its development, involuntarily creates conditions when the world is forced to destroy it. Self-destruction through provocation, looks terrible but very similar to the truth. (pause with commas)

It is no flaw
To always be open
And live by the law
Of rules sound-spoken

That life and respect
The heaven and ground
We are to protect
Maintaining renowned

The questions and answers
Arisen in minds
The probable chances
And dangerous binds

The nature has hidden
From curious brains
Deliberate forbidden
Her radical chains

To keep them from changing
The most effective
And building, arranging
The whole protective

Destruction unconscious
And agony, curing
Without obnoxious
Resistance enduring

Sense of reality (15-06-2022)

It is very hard for me to think about the dead and wounded in this war. The war without meaning and reason. People are in captivity of their stupid fears, despair and hopelessness. Why is this happening? I can only guess. At some point, the natural development of the aggressive society was artificially changed and the imbalance grew into hatred, derived from unachieved goals. There is hope that Sense of reality is higher and stronger than war, it is invincible and omnipresent like life. (pause with commas)

There is only reason
And meaning entangled
The fifth, bloody season
Not hopefully strangled

The freedom of thought
And freedom to choose
The almost distraught
The freedom of views

I’m living dependent
Upon which, extremely
Imagining transcendent
The Senses serenely

Establish invincible
And omnipresent
The high level principal
The truly incessant

The peace, I am longing
To be part of us
Forever restoring
Those treated unjust …

The Sense of reality
My only reflection
My stressful morality
And bitter perfection

Freedom of choice (02-06-2022)

Why is the world built on freedom of choice. Is it a necessary condition for the development of society? Yes, it is. And still, it’s hard for me to accept it, because negative characters can also make their negative choices and turn people’s lives into hell. (pause with commas)

I’m humble and kneeling
A feeble creation
That’s constantly living
A determination

To always obedient
Be day after day
Expressively lenient
Good natured-portrayed

Reality’s cruel
The freedom of choice
So purposeful dual
Remarkable ploys

Are shame and the pride
Of evil and good
No one ever hide
No one ever could

I’m humble and weeping
The scene breaks my heart
So quick, to be dripping
And falling apart …

Absurdity, furious
Is reining, prolonged
While innocence glorious
Is dying along

Knowledge pricey (18-02-2022)

Knowledge is a dangerous thing. Not enough of it is ignorance, too much of it is madness. The good ones are stuck in the middle, while the lucky ones are beyond reach of sanity. (pause with commas)

I haven’t been normal
Nor then, and nor now
Relations informal
I lived though somehow

By sparkles of wisdom
I hardly still have
Surviving the system
Existence mine raved

Before and thereafter
An ignorant, learned
From fear to laughter
Been quickly on-burnt

Within glassy sparseness
That bears degree
The kind of harness
My life’s desperate plea

Is knowledge pricey
At changing me much
From youthfully spicy
To mournfully crutched

Onto wailing endless
And longing, come share
The burden tremendous
I want you aware

True meaning of all (15-02-2022)

Sympathy and compassion are nice and good. But sometimes they are inappropriate for the real life’s path. I try to figure it out how to fit myself into such a misconception. And I find the only way – not to think or recall. (pause with commas)

Some say, life’s a line
White mostly, shabby
Respectful benign
Though, somehow flabby

It is, strong and weak
With sympathy poor
Compassionately meek
Disguised as grandeur

It is, cracking on
Offsetting its path
A new life’s bygone
Or better been smashed

To make it straight line
Into common future
Uncracked and combined
None post mortal suture

I try soothe perception
Appropriate not
My self borne conception
Is stubbornly hot

A new life’s, the only
True meaning of all
Concepted, much lonely
To never recall

Good intentions (06-10-2020)

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The exact origin of this proverb is unknown.

We think that we are little ones and nothing depends on us. Not at all, we are the source and gears of good and evil in this tiny world. (pause with commas)

A dove in my dream
High flying above
A promise supreme
To spread round love

That’s changing the world
Into better place
Around observed
An eminent grace

I think that I can’t
A change to support
I am, grain of sand
Somehow consort’

To simply live on
Consumed by the joys
And fears upon
Some indiscreet ploys

I never knew roads
Are paved with intentions
That cyphered with codes
Of inner dissensions

Which live in my mind
Like dry desert well
Inside me confined
The road to hell

Silly am I (28-05-2020)

One of my favorite philosophers, Confucius once said.

“Not talking to a person who is worthy of conversation means losing a person. And to speak with a person who is not worthy of conversation is to lose words. The wise do not lose either people or words.”

I am silly and trusting, I cannot figure out the worthiness of a person without conversation. And who has measured your own worthiness or arrogance? (pause with commas)

Silly am I
Always have been
Living a dream of devout

Flawlessly high
Perfect esteem
Worthiness figuring out

Don’t want to speak
Meaningless words
Someone to have, ever lost

Question oblique
Worthy or not
Always expressively tossed

All they have got
Rapid the quiz
A conversation resembling

Worthy or not
Question it is
Always expressed, overwhelming

The nothing is perfect (01-10-2019)

An ancient philosopher once said. I only know, that I know nothing. (pause with commas)

I have always wanted
To know it all
I’ve always responded
The knowledge’s call

Today or tomorrow
I’ve thought, I would be
A knowledge yarrow
That’s giving it free

But more I’ve acquired
The essence of freedom
Unquenchable fire
Enslaving my wisdom

Has started to burn
With almost nothing
A foolish concern
Do I know something

The trick of the scales
The look from a side
Why nothing prevails
And something is tied

Suppressed, I permit
The nothing is perfect
Distressed, I admit
The nothing’s correct

Sad am I (23-09-2019)

Eastern wisdom states. Do not answer anyone when you are angry; promise nothing when you are happy; never decide when you are sad.(pause with commas)

Happiness does freely
Give away a promise
Counting on really
Everlasting calmness

Trusting and forgiving
Out of the bounds
Those still deceiving
On the sacred grounds

Am I, an exception
That shall never fall
Down to deception’s
Always lasting crawl

In the muddy waters
Mixed with angriness
Being one, that alters
Trusting truthfulness

Might am I, so easy
Out of the blue
Change into a greasy
Sticky and untrue

Some unhappy being
Answering with spite
Pushing ugly meaning
Rudely downright

Sad am I, imagine
Sad am I, decide
Sad a quiet pageant
Sad I am, downright

Enigma (11-05-2019)

I’ve fallen in love with Gourmania. Here is a Gourmanian proverb, I like very much. “If a woman hates you, it means she’s loved you, loves or will love.” (pause with commas)

A lady’s enigma
She’s always a puzzle
The misty charisma
The dark-magic castle

She’s changing herself
To track you, the poor
And trusting cry-self
With treacherous lure

Oh, humble my heart
Fall in, an affection
Myself to impart
To dulcet attraction

No way, shall I fall
Will struggle and run
I won’t be a goal
The hatred’s not fun

I stop at the side
Why am I, be hunted
With hatred applied
Why not, simply granted

The enemy-friend (08-05-2019)

Some ancient philosopher once said. “You should love a friend, remembering that he can become an enemy, and hate the enemy, remembering that he can become a friend. Now we call it “real politics”. I prefer name it sagacity.” (pause with commas)

Time isn’t a healer
It’s grinding the stone
The kind of revealer
I am always alone

That, I have to struggle
Some matters of trust
Nowhere to snuggle
No way to adjust

True once and again
I bump in the matter
Is worth to have friend
Or haven’t had better

The friend is a foe
Provided condition
A woman’s love blow
Or money suspicion

Thanks up, I intend
Secure decision
My enemy-friend
Is better admission

Knowing yourself (06-05-2019)

Some people say. Knowing yourself is finding one more friend. Others say, to know oneself is not only the most difficult thing in the world, but also the most unpleasant.

Both statements are the special cases. But I don’t really believe, in friends and foes, inside human psyche. Generally, it is conscience, presence of God, in fearful us. And to know ourselves, means to understand our own deeds. (pause with commas)

I was looking for a friend
On the shores of mind excited
I was longing to depend
On the means of trust united

In between myself and me
Built upon true understanding
But the more, I’ve come to be
Self of mine, was up to stranding

He was living his own life
Neutral always to my longings
Friend or foe, what’s the strife
Good or bad, the lost belongings

Moments pass and get dissolved
In the mist of thoughts unpleasant
So, there is, no friend at all
And, there is, no foe present

I’m not trying any more
Finding friends or foes inner
There is no need explore
The imaginary shimmer

I am looking outside
What I’ve done, to make it better
Any deeds of mine, were right
Any thoughts of mine, were greater

Everything is temporary (01-05-2019)

Everything is temporary. So, if everything goes well, enjoy – it will not last forever. And if everything goes bad – do not worry, it will not last forever either. This is the common conception of desperation. I prefer to live the endless moment. (pause with commas)

Everything is tempo
Fading on along
Allegro or lento
Sec and sec-n-gone

Holding on the moment
Try to grasp the gist
What is the component
That is always missed

Relative perception
Of the life itself
That is the conception
I took from the shelf

Not afraid of losing
Don’t expect to end
Not afraid to worry
Never fall to bend

I enjoy the moment
Goes well or not
Real life atonement
That is all, I’ve got

Blessed are the warriors (29-04-2019)

Some people say. Blessed are the warriors because they kill the man inside themselves, not wanting a long life. (pause with commas)

Once I have found
Weakness infinity
Firmly surround
My heart’s vicinity

Softly exposing
Worst kind of leisure
Able composing
Not able measure

My mind is misty
Endlessly sleeping
Feelings are twisty
Madness’ at creeping

I have to change
Or disappear
Killing the strange
Living in fear

He is afraid
Losing existence
Physical grade
Desperate persistence

Blessed is the warrior
I long to be
Never be sorrier
Dead born to see

Life from the side
Where it ends
Freedom’s true wide
Memory’s grands …

Life is a burden
I’ve always known
Tricky the guerdon
Of silly crone

Not imaginary (24-04-2019)

There are great thinkers. One of them is Paulo. I do support his views, but with a little change. Some things are not imaginary at all. We have to wait and see what happens really.

Paulo’s once said.

“Sometimes, you have to run to see who will run for you. Sometimes, you have to speak softer to see who really listens to you. Sometimes, you have to step back to see who else is on your side. Sometimes, you have to make the wrong decisions to see who’s with you when everything collapses.”

I wish to give his words a rhyme flow. (pause with commas)

Life is a mystery
Beauty and beast
Making the history
Famine or feast

Her circumstances
Always opposed
Uncertain chances
Mainly imposed

We live to walk
Saving our strength
Side passing balks
Balanced at length

Starting to run
We wanna know
Walking along
Friend or a foe

Many would listen
Wishing or not
Some eyes do glisten
When we cease chat

Stopping at once
We wanna know
Are there ones
Of the same dough

Finally we
Make wrong decisions
Fall into spree
Fire collisions

Braking all down
Just for a test
Some one’s around
No one’s impressed

The seventh sin (20-04-2019)

There are seven sins. The last and worst of them is melancholy. It is the frontier between heaven and hell, which are the two parts of the soul.(pause with commas)

The dove in my sight
Flew up to the heaven
I stare upright
And count to seven

She’s blurred in the light
Embraced by the heaven
I’m feeling contrite
The last of the seven

Why heaven and hell
Are parts of my soul
Enslaved by the spell
I’m losing control

The only one step
From hell into heaven
I’m warnfully hep
The last of the seven

Has captured my soul
With clutches of darkness
Melancholy’s fall
Is bringing up sadness

My heaven and hell
Reside in me firmly
Enslaved by the spell
I’m languishing calmly

The turning point (16-04-2019)

There is a turning point in every human life. When you understand that sufferings are caused by desires. And the only way to stop them is to abandon meaningless passions and live for today. (pause with commas)

I’m not an exception
Been born into wishes
Collecting deceptions
Of living ambitious

I’ve thought, it was proper
To let wishes go
They were, tiny hoppers
With delicate glow

Amusing at first
My wishes, did turn
Into the desires
And started to burn

Inside of my mind
And then in the body
They started to grind
Their tenderly daddy …

At last, I have found
That essence of life
Was permanent ground
Of bitter the strife

Against the desires
And passions afloat
Against sticky mires
No one to denote

The nature of Nature (15-04-2019)

Nature is very much heartless. She is catching up, poor, trusting ones, seducing them, with forms and colors, making them give birth to the the next generation of her slaves. And then, she’s raising quarrels, leading to divorces, to force them again, breed more and more slaves for her insatiable self.

(Sorry, a moody day of mine, old philosophy’s driving me mad, pause with commas).

I have, always known
The nature of Nature
She’s heartless, the stone
Of rude legislature

She’s witch, on the road
Seducing the poor
With beautiful code
Of treacherous amour

She’s coloring weddings
With faithless illusions
And roughly’s beheading
The friendly seclusions

It’s not all the bad
Love’s moments are gorgeous
A child’s being born
The family’s fortress

But then, Nature’s eager
To start a new movement
She’s up to disfigure
The peaceful improvement

Her time, to raise quarrels
To fire divorces
She’s like, madly goral
Or devilish horses …

They’ve got separated
The freedom is kind
Come home, much awaited
The peace of the mind …

Hey lovely, what’s up
Can buy you a drink
Of course, lovely pup
I’m thirsty and pink

Half good and half evil (12-04-2019)

Man is like tree, half good and half evil. The higher he’s reaching out to the sun, the deeper his roots are plunging into the darkness. (pause with commas)

In the middle, of the forest
On the open place, aside
Little seed, a flying modest
Landed by the soil, abide

Basking in the sun, it grows
Shaping up, a curly tree
To the light, a bit arose
Into darkness, set a spree

Like myself, at early childhood
Smiling in the sun, I was
Feeling coldness, of the backwood
Grasping me, with grayish claws

Time has past, but understanding
Never’s dawned, onto my mind
Why is mildness, evil landing
Sighted some, but most blind

Tree’s matured, big and soaring
Reaching out to the sun
And its roots are deep exploring
Evil sources’ down-run

I am balancing the flooring
Black and white, the game of chess
If the white’s a little scoring
Black is rolling up the stress

The spirit (10-04-2019)

Some say, spirit’s born as camel, eager to become lion and finally is child. Enjoy the spirit’s sketch. How beautiful she is. (pause with commas)

All in one, and never striving
Flying up, descending down
The unknown to the timing
Death is traveling around

Desert’s vastly scattered over
Drying out, all it gets
Born a camel, desperate rover
Full of mournfull my regrets

I am standing, burdened down
Seem to drown in the sands
Being slave, am I to frown
Roughly pressed into the trance

Through the years of heavy toil
Bit by bit, was killing slave
Into lion pressing foil
From the miserable grave

Now’s free, I’ve made it, final
Desert’s harsh, but I was strong
No fear treading spinal
No feeling being wrong

On the top, observing over
Independent and so free
Spirit’s sleeping under cover
Rooting down like a tree

Emptiness and disobedience
Are the sisters, cruel and soft
They have captured up expedience
Drying out spirit’s croft

Overwhelmed with self-indulgence
Chocking up with greediness
I am longing to be substance
Someone’s open friendliness

I am crying, self-empoisoned
Cannot more, to be content
My existence’s just a noise on
Life of mine, a madly trend

Lion’s longing to be child
From himself, has got to flee
Top creation, meek and mild
His creation, true and free