Rough a play

Rough a play (19-10-2019)

The moods are different, good or bad, dark or bright, peaceful or annoyed. This is normal. Without mood, person turns into robot and loses his personality. (pause with commas and check also out my music and book)

Cheer it up, cheer myself
It is not good, to be broody
Take all my cheers, right from the shelf
I’ve not to be, falling moody

Looking inside, find myself
Gloomy a bit and distracted
It is because, wretched the pelf
Isn’t a passing abstracted

Not an exception, poor my mind
So much dependent on gold
Real the world, somber and blind
Shining away, real cold

Frozen completely, almost fall
And paralyzed by despair
When I was child, busy with all
Little or big things to dare

Now I sit, closed away
Scared to death by the cost
Break all the rules, by rough a play
Startled to think, predisposed

My moods